#OneCeva, Commitments
8 March 2024

Promoting gender equality and women’s empowerment at Ceva

The success story of our company is based on the passion of all our employees, regardless of their gender. This is why we are committed to an inclusive corporate culture that promotes the development of women in all our workplaces. To explain our commitment, we met with Emmanuelle Trebot, Group Labour Law Director at Ceva.

As Director of Labour Law for the Ceva Group, do you think that initiatives to promote gender equality and women’s empowerment contribute to the company’s success?

Emmanuelle Trebot: “Gender equality has several dimensions: it’s a question of ethics and fairness, but also of economic performance.

Gender equality and empowerment start with education, and that’s why we take care to recruit male and female apprentices without discrimination, and we benefit from supporting young people on their way to graduation by empowering women to enter the workforce and realise their full potential.

This equality undeniably contributes to the company’s success, as it is a source of innovation by encouraging broader, non-stereotyped approaches, a source of agility by encouraging collective intelligence and also a source of motivation for employees and therefore of commitment.

The economic issues linked to parity and professional equality between men and women are much broader than those of Ceva, but if many companies make more efficient use of the human capital developed by men and women, then we will significantly stimulate growth in a context of sustained slowdown in growth and ageing populations.”

In your role, how can you promote an inclusive corporate culture that encourages the professional development of women from different countries, regions of the world and therefore cultures within Ceva Santé Animale?

Emmanuelle Trebot: “In my legal role, I advise and support our subsidiary management teams worldwide, and as such I promote gender equality in the policies and actions they implement. This is an integral part of our approach regarding legal, social and economic aspects. Legal aspects because we refuse to accept any form of discrimination within the group, social aspects because we want to keep our inclusive culture that allows open and constructive dialogue, and finally economic aspects because Ceva’s growth is the result of this culture of equality and inclusion.”

How does Ceva integrate diversity and women’s rights into its CSR initiatives?

Emmanuelle Trebot: “It is also in this CSR role that I promote gender equality. All our CSR policies take into account equality and respect for human rights. This applies to the representation of women within the Group, as well as to their remuneration and benefits, competencies development or work life balance initiatives.

Beyond the KPIs we have in place and the targets to achieve, what is important is to discuss very regularly with each of the Group’s entities the initiatives they put in place each year to move towards greater equality, and to measure the effects of their actions. The integration of diversity and equality into our approach is in fact a daily occurrence. I’m very happy to advise our teams on how to translate this culture into concrete actions.

The Group’s entities have genuinely embraced this equality approach and are all committed to strengthening their ethical practices.”

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